Who Is and Will Be the Most Influential Person Within Buying Committees: The Chief AI Officer


The proliferation of AI in organizations is reaching critical mass, as companies increasingly adopt solutions that include some level of AI. From chatbots to assist with customer service to backend solutions that help streamline or improve internal operations, it seems every department in every company is ripe for AI adoption. It seems evident that the chief AI officer will have sweeping authority—or at least the loudest voice in the decision-making committee —regarding technology buying decisions. With 91% of technology leaders considering AI a priority, according to the survey, no one will argue that AI isn’t here to stay.

But, to paraphrase a popular comic book hero, with great power comes great responsibility. AI adoption has been fast and furious—and for many organizations, approached haphazardly, with most implementations focused on solving an immediate problem rather than making strategic decisions.

Chief AI Officer Ranks Grow

Enter the chief AI officer. A growing number of organizations are adding this new role to their ranks, in part because they recognize the power/responsibility relationship. Pfizer is one of the most recent companies to hire a chief AI officer, following in the steps of Boeing, GE Healthcare, S&P Global, and PwC, to name a few.

The chief AI officer’s fundamental role is to align an organization’s AI initiatives with company strategy. The bulk of their responsibilities involve evaluating AI technologies, assessing and understanding their potential impacts—both positive and negative—on the organization, and directing the investment of AI technologies. The chief AI officer’s job functions also include setting AI policies and building the infrastructure to support AI initiatives.

Chief AI officers must also clearly understand and offer direction regarding current and future AI regulations and legislative initiatives. This is a heavy lift, as currently, there are at least 13 different countries worldwide with AI regulatory initiatives, each with its own set of standards, rules, and penalties. Any organization with customers outside its own country must understand how their AI implementations align with the regulations of its customers’ countries to ensure compliance.

Because of AI adoption is a relatively new phenomenon, the role of the chief AI officer is evolving. But there is no downplaying its importance: A recent Expereo/IDC survey noted that almost half of respondents (40%) believe that a chief AI office will take over a large portion of the CIO responsibilities within the next two years.

Chief AI Officers and Technology Decision-Making

It’s clear that the chief AI officer will have sweeping authority—or at least the loudest voice in the decision-making committee—regarding technology buying decisions. With 91% of technology leaders considering AI a priority, according to the survey, no one will argue that AI isn’t here to stay.

Marketers, therefore, should align their messaging to address the opportunity afforded by AI and the chief AI officer. Bringing clarity to both the technological and business value will help focus the spotlight on your organization, coupled with campaigns that address all phases of the buying cycle, will be especially helpful in separating the signal from the noise and enabling your technology to stand out.

Chief AI Officers Settle In

The pace of technology slows for no one. If anything, AI has actually accelerated that pace. The chief AI officer role will increasingly be critical in helping organizations make the best investments in—and derive the most value from—their AI investments.

In today’s fast-paced tech landscape, the emergence of the Chief AI Officer is redefining the way organizations approach technology and AI investments. As these leaders rise to the forefront, making critical decisions that shape the future of AI in their companies, Activate stands as your ultimate partner. Our solutions are engineered to tap into the very core of B2B tech buying behavior, offering unparalleled insights, validated leads, and expertly managed campaigns that align perfectly with the priorities of AI-driven leadership.

Leverage our unique approach to engage the tech buyer authentically, unlock detailed prospect information, and drive higher conversion rates. Let’s turn the AI revolution into your competitive advantage—Activate is here to lead the way.