Prospect Engagement Strategies in a “No Face-to-face” Environment

B2B marketers are always on the hunt for high ROI and pipeline-impacting outlets for their marketing spend. As we all watch the headlines about closed offices, cancelled events and limitations on travel, we’re hearing from marketers as they search for ways to meet their mission: How do we keep sales teams engaged with qualified leads?
Frankly, there are no easy answers — but that’s not going to keep marketers from working hard to overcome this challenge. Here’s what some thought leaders and marketers are saying about how they’re rising to meet the disruption from a business perspective:
- Rachel Boucher from shares this guidance for marketers who have planned event sponsorships: Your event is likely to be cancelled if it isn’t already. Start turning lemons into lemonade by thinking now about how to repurpose or redeploy content and experiences. Read more here.
- Jillian Ryan, in a piece on, is recommending we “go digital.” Explains Ryan: “The challenge for companies will be being nimble enough to move away from their event strategy … and pivot to produce digital content or engagements that can still influence the intended audience.”
- Augie Ray from Gartner notes that marketers are paying a little extra attention to messaging right now. Everyone wants to help customers and do their best during this crisis, but messaging needs to be honest and empathetic, not desperate or opportunistic. Read more here.
The goal for B2B marketers is to build their brands to success and help fill the pipeline. But with events being cancelled and face-to-face meetings all but banned, we’re all seeking alternatives to connect. How are you rising to meet the challenges? We’d love to hear from you.
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